Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dutch Painter Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem

Dutch painter Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem was a highly acclaimed painter of pastoral landscapes, populated with mythological or biblical figures, allegories and genre pieces. Born in Harlem, he received initial training from his father Pieter Claesz, and later from painters such as Jan van Goyen, Jan Wils and Claes Cornelisz Moeyaert. According to Hofstede de Groot, he created around 850 paintings, 80 etchings and 500 drawings, possibly such huge numbers are misattributed to him.

A Gallant Company on a Quayside (alternative titles: Othello and Desdemona, A Moor Presenting a Parrot to a Lady), 1655 oil painting on canvas created by Dutch painter Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem (1620-1683), dimensions 93.7 cm x 89 cm, located at Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut.

Callisto and Jupiter aka Jupiter Notices Callisto (1640-1683), oil on canvas painting, size 129 cm x 164 cm, located at Mireille Mosler Ltd (art dealer), New York City.

Allegory of Summer (1635-1683), oil on canvas, 93 cm x 88 cm, located at Schilderijenzaal Prins Willem V, The Hague.

The infancy of Zeus (aka De opvoeding van Zeus / De jeugd van Bacchus / De opvoeding van Jupiter), 1648 oil on canvas painting by Berchem, 202 cm x 262 cm, located at Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague.

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