Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oil Paintings by Paul Désiré Trouillebert

Diana the Huntress (alternatively ‘Polująca Diana’ or ‘Diana Chasseresse’) by Paul Desiré Trouillebert

The Harem Servant Girl (Servante du harem, 1874) by French painter Paul Désiré Trouillebert (1869-1900)

The Nude Snake Charmer (La charmeuse de serpents), oil on canvas painting (possibly painted around 1880) by Paul Trouillebert

Paul Desiré Trouillebert (1869-1900), the famous French painter of Barbizon School is known for his portrait paintings and landscapes. He was interested in Orientalism and produced paintings of with oriental settings. For instance, he painted a portrait of a half-nude young servant woman (The Harem Servant Girl) in an ancient Egyptian style of the Greco-Roman Dynasty. The Hookah, the banana plant and the headgear of the girl are typical of oriental settings. Similarly, in the Nude Snake Charmer, the theme itself and the cobra represent oriental ideas.

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